C#数据库本地缓存技术(Database local cache)
C#数据库本地缓存技术(Database local cache)
Database local cacheBy konamiman34A C# class that uses the local file system to cache binary objects stored in a database. 一个C#类用于存储数据库上的二进制对象(数据)保存为本地文件。 类的主要方法: SaveObject: As for the public methods exposed by the class, these are the ones:
Note that you can, at any time, manually delete some or all of the cached files, besides/instead of using the Here are some simple examples of how to use the class. For example, for creating an instance, having the database table named Photos and using C:\PhotosCache as the cache directory, you would do: SqlConnection connection=new SqlConnection(@"Data Source" + @"=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="|DataDirectory" + @"|Data\MyDatabase.mdf";Integrated security=true;"); DatabaseFileCache cache=new DatabaseFileCache(connection, "Photos", @"C:\PhotosCache"); Then, to store objects in the database: cache.SaveObject(@"C:\Photos\DSCF0100.jpg", "Kaito’s first birtday.jpg"); // Using an alternative method overload: cache.SaveObject(new byte[] { 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 }, "Some primes"); And to retrieve the data: string filePath=cache.GetObject("Kaito’s first birtday.jpg") MyForm.MyPictureBox.Load(filePath); filePath=cache.GetObject("Some primes"); byte[] somePrimes=File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); 原文:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/database/DatabaseLocalCache.aspx www.csframework.com 译
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