ListView Grouping XP Style IntroductionThe controls included with Microsofts IDE have always been feature rich. However, Microsoft always seems to leave out as many features as they include. The ListView control is no exception to this rule. This project aims at exposing and wrapping a few cool features. First to note is the ability to group items. In Windows Explorers View menu, the Arrange Icon by menu has a Show in Groups option. This allows the ListView to arrange items logically into groups, generally based on file type. The next feature is the ability to set an image as the background of a ListView, whether tiled or a single image. Your My Music folder demonstrates the concept, with a music note image in the lower right hand corner. This project extends the standard ListView with the help of the Windows API to give a more feature rich control. 介绍这些控件包括Microsoft的IDE中丰富的功能, 不过,微软似乎留下许多功能未对外开放。ListView控件也不例外。这个项目旨在揭开这些神秘功能的面纱。首先要注意的是对项目进行分组。在Windows资源管理器中右键弹出菜单,排列图标子菜单内有个按组排列的菜单项。功能是自动将项目按文件类型分组. 另一个特性是可以设置ListView的背景图片,可以平铺或单个显示图片背景。在"我的音乐"目录内演示了这个效果,留意右下角的音乐背景图片。这个项目扩展了Listview的标准功能,使用Windows API帮助获取大量丰富的控件特性。 www.csframework.com 译 转自:http://www.codeproject.com/KB/list/GroupListView.aspx 扫一扫加作者微信
无线监控系统之二-------C#实现 [原创]无线监控系统之二-------C#实现(续) C#实现QQ/MSN等客户端聊天软件从右下角弹出窗体(Popup Window) [原创]C#植入友商网在线服务并实现同步用户注册接口(三) C#.Net版本自动更新程序及3种策略实现 C#可拖动窗体(实现无标题栏的登录窗体) C#实现.Net Remoting服务端与客户端通信 C#积木游戏(改编自DevExpress GridTetris) C#实现DevExpress控件换肤功能 C#实现UDP穿透NAT(UDP打洞)完整版(原) 详述IComparer,IComparable接口,实现自定义方法比较对象大小并排序(C#) C# Mini版本文件浏览器.TreeView/ListView应用 C#.NET 监视操作系统打开程序(使用Window消息实现全局系统勾子) C#.NET C/S结构版本自动升级解决方案之升级包实现 C#源码-Windows服务管理器,实现安装,卸载,启动和停止服务等功能
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