C# Mini版本文件浏览器.TreeView/ListView应用
C# Mini版本文件浏览器.TreeView/ListView应用C# Mini版文件浏览器.介绍TreeView及ListView应用
程序内用到System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection ManagementObjectCollection类说明: // Summary: // // Represents different collections of management objects retrieved through // WMI. The objects in this collection are of System.Management.ManagementBaseObject-derived // types, including System.Management.ManagementObject and System.Management.ManagementClass. // The collection can be the result of a WMI query executed through a System.Management. // ManagementObjectSearcher, // or an enumeration of management objects of a specified type retrieved through // a System.Management.ManagementClass representing that type. In addition, // this can be a collection of management objects related in a specified way // to a specific management object - in this case the collection would be retrieved // through a method such as System.Management.ManagementObject.GetRelated(). // The collection can be walked using the System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection. // ManagementObjectEnumerator // and objects in it can be inspected or manipulated for various management // tasks. 顺便学学英文,总有好处。 下面是窗体源代码,多看看,别下载了源程序运行通过就不管事了。学程序要多看多写多总结---学三多 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Management; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; namespace MiniExplorer { //用TreeView实现文件浏览器 public partial class frmMiniExplorer : Form { private const int Removable = 2; private const int LocalDisk = 3; private const int Network = 4; private const int CD = 5; public frmMiniExplorer() { InitializeComponent(); } private void frmMiniExplorer_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadDrives(); LoadListView(); } //加载物理磁盘驱动器 private void LoadDrives() { TreeNode nodeTemp = null; int imageIndex = 0; int selectIndex = 0; this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; tvFolders.Nodes.Clear(); nodeTemp = new TreeNode("My Computer", 0, 0); tvFolders.Nodes.Add(nodeTemp);//加载根目录 TreeNodeCollection nodeCollection = nodeTemp.Nodes; //用System.Management对象获取驱动器列表 ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = GetDriveList(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in queryCollection) { switch (int.Parse(mo["DriveType"].ToString())) { case Removable: //Removable Drives imageIndex = 5; selectIndex = 5; break; case LocalDisk: //硬盘 imageIndex = 6; selectIndex = 6; break; case CD: //光驱 imageIndex = 7; selectIndex = 7; break; case Network: //网络磁盘 imageIndex = 8; selectIndex = 8; break; default: //预设显示目录图标 imageIndex = 2; selectIndex = 3; break; } //建立驱动器 nodeTemp = new TreeNode(mo["Name"].ToString() + "\\", imageIndex, selectIndex); nodeCollection.Add(nodeTemp); } this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void tvFolders_AfterSelect(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs e) { this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; TreeNode nodeCurrent = e.Node; nodeCurrent.Nodes.Clear(); if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex == 0) LoadDrives(); else LoadDirectory(nodeCurrent, nodeCurrent.Nodes); this.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } protected void LoadListView() { lvFiles.Clear(); //创建ListView的标题列 lvFiles.Columns.Add("Name", 150, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvFiles.Columns.Add("Size", 75, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right); lvFiles.Columns.Add("Created", 140, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); lvFiles.Columns.Add("Modified", 140, System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Left); } protected void LoadDirectory(TreeNode nodeCurrent, TreeNodeCollection nodeCurrentCollection) { TreeNode nodeTemp = null; int imageIndex = 2; //当前结点的图片 int selectIndex = 3; //选中结点时显示的图片 if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex != 0) { try { if (Directory.Exists(FormatPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath)) == false) throw new Exception("目录或路路径不存在!"); LoadFiles(nodeCurrent); string[] stringDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(FormatPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath)); string stringFullPath = ""; string stringPathName = ""; //加载当前目录下所有子目录 foreach (string stringDir in stringDirectories) { stringFullPath = stringDir; stringPathName = GetPathName(stringFullPath); TreeNode nodeDir = new TreeNode(stringPathName.ToString(), imageIndex, selectIndex); nodeCurrentCollection.Add(nodeDir); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } } protected string GetPathName(string stringPath) { string[] stringSplit = stringPath.Split(’\\’); return stringSplit[stringSplit.Length - 1]; } //加载当前目录下的文件 protected void LoadFiles(TreeNode nodeCurrent) { string[] listviewData = new string[4]; this.LoadListView(); if (nodeCurrent.SelectedImageIndex != 0) { if (Directory.Exists((string)FormatPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath)) == false) throw new Exception("目录或路路径不存在!"); try { string[] stringFiles = Directory.GetFiles(FormatPath(nodeCurrent.FullPath)); DateTime dtCreateDate, dtModifyDate; Int64 lFileSize = 0; foreach (string stringFile in stringFiles) { FileInfo objFileSize = new FileInfo(stringFile); lFileSize = objFileSize.Length; dtCreateDate = objFileSize.CreationTime; dtModifyDate = objFileSize.LastWriteTime; listviewData[0] = GetPathName(stringFile); listviewData[1] = FormatSize(lFileSize); if (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(dtCreateDate) == false) listviewData[2] = FormatDate(dtCreateDate.AddHours(1)); else listviewData[2] = FormatDate(dtCreateDate); if (TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(dtModifyDate) == false) listviewData[3] = FormatDate(dtModifyDate.AddHours(1)); else listviewData[3] = FormatDate(dtModifyDate); ListViewItem lvItem = new ListViewItem(listviewData, 0); lvFiles.Items.Add(lvItem); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } } } //替代Root是My Computer protected string FormatPath(string stringPath) { string stringParse = stringPath.Replace("My Computer\\", ""); return stringParse; } //获取所有磁盘驱器 protected ManagementObjectCollection GetDriveList() { ManagementObjectSearcher query = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * From Win32_LogicalDisk "); ManagementObjectCollection queryCollection = query.Get(); return queryCollection; } //转换为短日期格式 protected string FormatDate(DateTime dtDate) { string stringDate = ""; stringDate = dtDate.ToShortDateString().ToString() + " " + dtDate.ToShortTimeString().ToString(); return stringDate; } //将文件大小转换为带KB的字符串 protected string FormatSize(Int64 lSize) { string stringSize = ""; NumberFormatInfo numInfo = new NumberFormatInfo(); if (lSize < 1024) //小于1KB { if (lSize == 0) stringSize = "0"; else stringSize = "1"; } else { Int64 lKBSize = lSize / 1024; //转折为MB / 1024 stringSize = lKBSize.ToString("n", numInfo); stringSize = stringSize.Replace(".00", ""); } return stringSize + " KB"; } } } Source Code:
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